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How can I help?

Scouting operates through volunteer leadership. Volunteer leaders are an example of Scouting’s principle of service to others. Naturally, parents are the primary source of leaders in the Scouting program. You volunteer not only to serve Scouting, but also to help your child and his or her friends, and to have the chance to be a positive influence on the youth in your community.

What do I receive in return?

Being a leader is fun, challenging, and rewarding. Leaders find that their experiences help them to become better parents. Some of the many dividends that will enrich your life as you dedicate your time, talent, and enthusiasm to Scouting are:

  • Fun and fellowship with other families, sharing your pride in the scouts’ accomplishments.
  • The privilege of helping to enrich and strengthen families.
  • A chance to help children learn good citizenship and to help shape them into adults who have strength of character and are sensitive to the needs of others.
  • The opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of children as they grow strong in mind and body.
  • A code to live by that will set a worthwhile example for both children and adults.
  • The satisfaction of being a member of a worldwide movement, and pride in being publicly identified as a part of this organization. Wearing the Scouting uniform is a visible means of showing you believe in and stand up for the ideals and objectives of the Boy Scouts of America.

Volunteer Positions

Stars (★) indicate positions that are in need of one or more volunteers.

Den Leader : (avg 8hr/mo) ★

Coordinates and leads biweekly den meetings. Ensures that all scouts in the den have the opportunity to advance to the next rank before the advancement pack meeting.

Assistant Den Leader : (avg 5hr/mo) ★

Assists den leader with leading den meetings as needed. Also helps track advancement for the members of the den.

Cubmaster : (avg 10hr/mo)

Coordinates and leads monthly pack meetings and other pack activities as needed. Communicates with den leaders and pack committee to ensure a robust program. Attends monthly roundtable to keep up to date on news from our local council.

Assistant Cubmaster : (avg 3hr/mo) ★

Serves as a backup when cubmaster is unable to lead a meeting or activity. Attends monthly pack meetings. Helps with pack activities as needed. Can have more than one assistant cubmaster for the pack.

Pack Trainer : (avg 3hr/mo) ★

Conducts orientation for new leaders. Encourages leaders to complete position specific training. Informs pack about training opportunities.

Committee Chair : (avg 10hr/mo)

Chairs pack committee meetings. Develops budget with treasurer. Recruits leaders and delegates responsibility as needed to ensure a quality program. Completes annual rechartering.

Secretary : (avg 4hr/mo) ★

Takes meeting minutes for pack committee meetings. Updates pack roster and calendar as needed.

Recruitment Chair : (avg 4hr/mo) ★

Shares information about the pack with the public, from flyers to bi-annual recruitment activities. Communicates with families interested in joining the pack.

New Member Coordinator : (avg 3hr/mo) 

Conducts orientation for new parents. Serves as a resource for new parents for questions about cub scouts in general and the pack in particular. Not uniformed.

Fundraising Chair : (avg 6hr/mo) ★

Coordinates pack fundraising activities (fall popcorn sales, holiday wreaths, spring Scout-o-rama tickets). Communicates with the Treasurer about fundraising results.

Popcorn Kernel : (avg 10hr/mo)

Coordinates fall popcorn sales (sales mid-August to early October, planning starts in June)

Wreath Sales Coordinator : (avg 6hr/mo) ★

Coordinates holiday wreath sales (October to December)

Advancement Chair : (avg 3hr/mo)

Communicates with den leadership about achievements that need to be purchased from the San Jose BSA office. Helps keep ScoutBook up to date and completes advancement paperwork. Plans the achievement portion of the monthly pack meetings.

Outdoor Activity Chair : (avg 3hr/mo plus attendance at pack events)

Plans and coordinates all pack outdoor activities, including both pack camping trips, the summer picnic, and occasional hikes, clean-ups, or other outdoor activities

Snack Coordinator : (avg 2hr/mo) Purchases, stores, and distributes food for pack meetings

Quartermaster : (avg 2hr/mo; space needed: an extra closet) ★

Stores and keeps inventory of pack equipment. Must have extra storage space available.

Pinewood Derby Organizer : (avg 6hr/mo, Nov – Feb)

Coordinates and attends all Pinewood Derby activities, including Build Days in December or January, the actual event in January, and the district event in February).

Blue & Gold Committee Organizer : (avg 10hr/mo, Nov – Feb)

Plans and runs the annual Blue & Gold Dinner, which celebrates the birthday of the Boy Scouts of America.

Webmaster : (avg 3hr/mo) ★

Updates website with relevant information as needed. First priority is for potential scouts, but also for current members as a secondary priority.

Informal jobs : (avg 1-3hr/event)

Lead and organize a service project.
Lead and organize an activity on a campout.
Lead and organize a hike.
Lead and organize a field trip.
Lead and organize a den meeting.
Arrange a guest speaker for a den or pack meeting.

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